
Outstaffing drivers

Outstaffing drivers will help significantly reduce bureaucratic difficulties in the company's work, as well as reduce the number of its employees. At the same time, each of them will continue to work under your superiors in the same place.

The reason for the popularity of the service
You can lay off your employees, and then officially transfer them to our staff. This will help formally reduce the number of employees of the company. At the same time, all documentary responsibility for each transferred employee will lie with the GP Group.

This will help reduce the burden on the accounting department and not engage in payroll. In addition, this is an effective way to optimize taxation.

Outstaffing drivers is a legal way to preserve or obtain the status of a small enterprise. And it helps to work on special, profitable conditions.

Cooperating with us, you also exclude the expense part for vacation, hospital and other payment. As well as checking public services for personnel will be sent to us. This guarantees the exclusion of any penalties in your direction.

Basic principles
After the preliminary consultation process and the signing of the agreement, you begin the withdrawal of your employees for the staff. All drivers transferred to us will be officially registered as employees of GP Group.

The work of staff, inferior to the staff

When the process of re-registration of employees is completed, they will remain in their former workplaces and will perform their previous tasks. You also have complete control over the performance of work and issue tasks, as before.

But at the same time, the official, documentary part becomes the responsibility of our company. You get a working resource, the documentary responsibility for which we carry.

This will help your company both to reduce costs, and to devote more time to accomplishing the tasks assigned, rather than bureaucratic difficulties.

When outstaffing drivers is relevant

The service is relevant in such cases:

when the number of employees in the state is limited by legislative norms (the possibility of legally circumventing the restriction and replenishing staff);
with the seasonality of the work performed by your drivers (often the service is used, for example, by delivery services during periods of heavy loads);
when there is a need to reduce the burden on the accounting department and human resources specialists, this will significantly simplify their task, increasing efficiency;
if desired, to cooperate with foreign personnel (foreign personnel require special attention, as well as their design and content is difficult from a legal point of view.) Our company will take care of all such worries.);
if necessary, to optimize transportation costs.
This is also true in case of force majeure, when it is urgent to find a replacement for your employee. We invite you to a free consultation, where our expert will tell you more about the options for cooperation.